
Black and White Seminar Course

Last night my school mate and I took pictures for our Black and White Seminar Course. The task is to demonstrate if Black and White pictures are still up to date and to find out if color key makes them more impressive or not.
While thinking about the different things we could photograph, we decided to drive to France to take some nice pictures there at night. Being there we took some photographs of a cathedral, the railway station and daily life. But we took all these pictures at night to get some nice light effects.

It was a lot of fun, playing with the light and composing our pictures. In total we shot about 9 hours (with 1 hours break in between) and got ca. 1000 pictures. We decided to take the pictures in .RAW file format, so we will be able to develop the pictures digitally for perfect results.  
Unforunately I can't show you some of the pictures at this time, because at first we have to sort them and decide on which we will use for further image editing.


1337 Visitors in just 3 Days

Hi guys,

I was just working on my newest project while i was checking my blog for new comments. So I scrolled down and checked all the articles. While reading them I couldn't believe what I saw there on the right. My visitor counter showed me that 1337 people have visited my blog since it started - and it started just 3 days ago.
So I went to my Dashboard to check where all these visitors come from. And at this point I want to thank you for sharing my blog via Twitter, Facebook and even some Graphic Forums linked to my Youtube Channel Design Template.


Danbo Four Leaf Clover

Hi guys,

While sitting in the arts lesson in school I was thinking about my photographs I did in the past. So I rememberd this one:

Danbo Four Leaf Clover by ~pg-images on deviantART

It's probably on of my oldes pictures. I did it shortly after I bought my Canon EOS 400D and I've to say, it was a lot of fun. But nowadays there isn't enough time to do such creative masterpieces :(
So this post is also a nostalgic one, remembering the old days, when everything was so easy.


Q&A with GG-Raw Photographers

 A little Quest and Answer with the guys of GG-Raw

1. How did you come to stock photography?
2. Why did you choose the two agencies "Shutterstock" & "Fotolia"?
3. Why did you sell your photographs through microstock agencies?
4. Who do you see as the target audience for microstock agencies?
5. Microstock agencies

1. Q: How did you come to stock photography?

A: There have always been an interest for photography in both of us, however, several years ago we only had compact cameras. Over time we recognized that our creativity and artistic freedom is limited by these compact cameras as they don‘t have enough settings. Therefore, better equipment was needed. Though, as you are a student, you don‘t have the money required for professional equipment. So we decided to finance our equipment by selling our photographs. This was our first step towards stock photography. At first we had a looked around at what opportunities were there to sell pictures. Through reading an interesting article in a photography magazine we found out about stock photography, which directly lead our way into the microstock field. We immediately noticed that the microstock agencies will be our future as there are no set topics and you don‘t have to limit your creativity. Let alone the fact that the most important thing in microstock photography is the quantity of pictures, you can make a lot of experiments, learn from them and even profit from them by sending them to agencies.

2.Q: Why did you choose the two agencies „Shutterstock“ & „Fotolia“?

A: It was important for us to find suitable agencies for our project, so the first thing we did was that we registered ourselves at every possible agency known to us from the photography magazines in order to find out more about each agency. After a short time we found out that Shutterstock and Fotolia are the most fitting agencies for our plans as we had the most sales in the shortest period of time. Furthermore, Shutterstock is the most popular agency in the world when it comes to registrations of buyer, which means, that there are always plenty of sales. While Shutterstock is so popular in the whole world, especially in the U.S., Fotolia is the most popular agency in Europe, our home continent.

3. Q: Why did you sell your photographs through microstock agencies?

A: As mentioned earlier, microstock agencies guarantee a very large freedom when it comes to creative experiments and concept works. This freedom was very important to us as we didn‘t want to make assembly line work. We still want to see photography as our hobby. Furthermore microstock agencies are „by far the most profitable way to sell images online”*. This therefore relates back to the fact that there is a great amount of buyers compared to the amount of time you allocate for the pictures. You can see the same principle in the online election campaign of U.S. president Barack Obama. He provided the customer of his website with the opportunity to spend ct.50 to him and with more and more people doing so, he earned up to $40.000.000**

4.Q: Who do you see as the main target audience for microstock agencies?

A: We think the main target group can not be defined as microstock agencies can be interesting for beginners as well as professionals. Microstock agencies can be a simple and easy start to selling photography and can even reach out to be ones ordinary income.

5.Microstock agencies:

Shutterstock is the most popular agency in the world based on the count of registrations of buyers which predetermines a high number of sales.

At Fotolia you have to spend more time on submitting images but therefore your photographs will be sold through Europe‘s most popular agency. Compared to Shutterstock, the sales are a little bit less however the earnings are a higher.

* Yuri Arcurs, World‘s leading stock photographer.
** Lars Lehne, Google Germany.


3D Logo Tutorial


A lot of people asked me what's the best way to color a 3D Logo and how to make look it as cool as possible. So I decided to give it a try and made a tutorial on how to color your 3D Logo in Photoshop

Source Image:

Made this for my buddy KavoN


Tutorial (commented making of)

Adding Blogroll

Hi guys,

I just thought about starting a blog roll at the right side of my blog.

A blog roll will be free advertisment for each of us and only works if we share links.
So if you want to appear in my blog roll, write the link to your blog in a comment below and put my link on your blog.


Update: Youtube Channel Design Template

I Just made an update of my Youtube Channel Design Template.
The update includes a new layer which contains all the hight and width information you'll need. Those informations are given in pixel and can be turned off and on like all the other layers.

Download updated Template.

Youtube Channel Design Template for Photoshop & GIMP, Layers included.

Youtube Channel Design Template

A lot of people asked if I do know the exact hight and width of an Youtube Channel Design. So I decided to create a Template.

The download is for free.

Youtube Channel Template for Photoshop & GIMP, Layers included